CPAA Theatres








第一条 本联盟定名为丝绸之路国际剧院联盟。

第二条 本联盟的性质是由中国对外文化集团公司发起的,由丝绸之路沿线国家相关文化艺术主体自愿组成的机构

第三条 本联盟的宗旨:



第二章 业务范围

第四条 本联盟的业务范围:









第五条 本联盟的成员限定为单位成员。本联盟不发展个人成员。

第六条 申请加入本联盟,必须具备下列条件:




第七条 成员加盟的程序:





第八条 成员享有下列权利:







第九条 成员履行下列义务:





第十条 成员退出应书面通知本联盟理事会,并经本联盟理事会书面批准。

第十一条 成员如有严重违反本联盟章程和相关国家法律法规的行为,可以经理事会表决通过,予以除名。

第十二条 本联盟可以在时机成熟时根据需要聘请名誉主席、名誉副主席等名誉职务。


第四章 组织机构的产生和罢免

第十三条 本联盟成员大会的主要职权是:





第十四条 成员大会须有2/3以上的成员出席方能召开,其决议须经到会成员半数以上表决通过方能生效。

第十五条 成员大会三年一届,因特殊情况需提前或延期的,须由理事会表决通过。情况特殊的也可以采用通讯、视频会议等形式召开

第十六条 本联盟设理事会,由全体理事单位组成,其中,理事单位各推荐一名理事履行有关理事职责。理事会是成员大会的执行机构,在成员大会闭会期间领导本联盟开展日常工作,对成员大会负责。

第十七条 理事会的职权是:










第十八条 理事会须有2/3以上理事出席方能召开,其决议须经到会理事2/3以上表决通过方能生效。

第十九条 理事会每年召开一次会议,情况特殊的也可以采用通讯、视频会议等形式召开。

第二十条 中国对外文化集团公司为本联盟唯一且终身理事长单位。中演演出院线发展有限责任公司为本联盟唯一且终身秘书长单位。

第二十一条 本联盟理事长单位行使下列职权:






第二十二条 本联盟的常设办事机构是秘书处,秘书长单位行使下列职权:





第五章 经费管理及使用原则

第二十三条 本联盟经费来源:




第二十四条 本联盟的经费开支由理事会授权秘书长单位负责,经费必须用于本章程规定的业务范围,不得在成员中分配。

第二十五条 本联盟秘书长单位配备会计、出纳各一名,应严格按照相关财务管理规定办理记账、报销和现金管理等事宜。


第六章 章程的修改程序

第二十六条 对本联盟章程的修改,须经理事会表决通过后报成员大会审议。

第二十七条 对本联盟章程的修改,最终须经联盟理事长单位核准并签发后生效。


第七章 终止程序

第二十八条 本联盟完成宗旨或自行解散,须由理事会提出终止动议。

第二十九条 本联盟终止动议须经成员大会表决通过,并经联盟理事长单位核准后生效。



第三十条 本章程于2015XXXX日通过发布。

第三十一条 本章程的解释权属于本联盟理事会。

第三十二条 本章程自本联盟理事长单位核准之日起生效。

Charter of the Silk Road International League of Theaters


Chapter I General Principles


Article 1 The name of this league is the Silk Road International League of Theaters (hereinafter referred to as the SRILT);

Article 2 The SRILT is a China Arts and Entertainment Group (hereinafter referred to as CAEG)-proposed organization that cultural and arts institutions from countries along the Silk Road voluntarily join as members.

Article 3 The purposes of the SRILT are:

to fulfill the function of cultural and arts institutions from countries along the Silk Road, to establish an industrialized platform for exchanges in culture and arts between its members, to develop culture and arts of countries where the SRILT members are based, and to contribute to regional cooperation and development.

Chapter II Scope of Business

Article 4 The scope of business of the SRILT includes:

(1) to make full use of the SRILT members’ advantages, to improve cultural and artistic exchanges in various forms, and to comprehensively promote outstanding cultural and artistic products of countries where the SRILT members are based;

(2) to integrate resources of culture industry of the SRILT members, to establish extensive contact with related institutions within and outside the SRILT, and to establish channels for running business and platforms for information exchange within the SRILT;

(3) to consolidate ties between the SRILT members and the authorities of countries where the SRILT members are based, and to nurture a sound policy environment for the development of the SRILT and cooperation among the SRILT members;

(4) to foster a brand of culture and arts featuring the Silk Road, and to hold the SRILT Cultural and Arts Festival;

(5) to plan and organize activities within the SRILT’s scope of business, including tour performances, itinerant exhibitions, forums, seminars, training sessions, and production of cultural and artistic works; and

(6) to carry out other cooperative projects on culture and arts in line with the purposes of the SRILT.

Chapter III Membership


Article 5 The SRILT membership is limited to institutions. The SRILT does not accept any individual as its member;

Article 6 Any institution that applies for the SRILT membership shall

(1) obey the Charter of the SRILT and related regulations;

(2) submit a written application to CAEG or China Performing Arts Agency Theaters (hereinafter referred to as CPAA Theaters); and

(3) play its due role in the SRILT.

                 Article 7 The procedure for joining the SRILT:

(1) An institution that intends to join the SRILT shall submit an application to the Council of the SRILT (hereinafter referred to as the Council);

(2) The applicant shall provide photocopies of its qualification for application and its general introduction.

(3) The Council shall examine the application and grant written approval to the qualified applicant; and

(4) The qualified applicant shall sign the membership agreement on strategic cooperation.

                 Article 8 The SRILT members are entitled to:

(1) the right to vote for a candidate, stand for election, and vote on a motion;

(2) the right to participate in activities held by the SRILT;

(3) the priority of enjoying services provided by the SRILT;

(4) the right to give advice and criticisms about the work of SRILT;

(5) the priority of using the information and materials provided by the SRILT; and

(6) the freedom to join and leave the SRILT.

Article 9 The SRILT members are bound to:

(1) implement the SRILT resolutions;

(2) protect the legal right and reputation of the SRILT;

(3) support the work of SRILT and complete tasks commissioned by the SRILT; and

(4) report to the SRILT and provide related materials.

Article 10 Before any member leaves the SRILT, it shall submit a written notice to the Council and gain written approval of the Council.

Article 11 Any SRILT member that seriously violates the Charter of the SRILT and the law can be dismissed from the SRILT after the dismissal is approved by vote at the Council.

Article 12 The SRILT can, in due course of time, engage honorary staff including honorary president and honorary vice-president.

Chapter IV Organization


Article 13 The functions of the Assembly of the SRILT (hereinafter referred to as the Assembly) are:

(1) to formulate and amend the Charter of the SRILT;

(2) to elect members of the Council and remove members from the Council;

(3) to deliberate on the report on the work of the Council; and

(4) to decide on other important issues.

Article 14 An Assembly session can be held only when more than 2/3 of the SRILT members are present. A resolution of the Assembly takes effect only when it is voted for by more than half of the SRILT members present at the session.

Article 15 The Assembly shall meet triennially. Any early or delayed convening of the Assembly session because of particular circumstances shall be approved by the Council of the SRILT. Under particular circumstances, the Assembly sessions can be convened through tele- and videoconferencing.

Article 16 The Council consists of all the Council members. Each Council member recommends a representative for performing duties at the Council. The Council is the executive department of the Assembly. The Council manages daily affairs when the Assembly is not in session and is responsible to the Assembly.

Article 17 The functions of the Council are:

(1) to implement the resolutions of the Assembly;

(2) to engage honorary staff including honorary president and honorary vice-president if necessary;

(3) to prepare for the Assembly;

(4) to report to the Assembly on the Council’s work;

(5) to decide on admission and dismissal of members;

(6) to lead the SRILT;

(7) to establish an internal system of management;

(8) to elect new Council members if necessary; and

(9) to decide on other important issues.

Article 18 A Council session can be held only when more than 2/3 of the Council members are present. A resolution of the Council takes effect only when it is voted for by more than 2/3 of the Council members present at the session.

Article 19 The Council meets annually. Under particular circumstances, the Council sessions can be held through tele-and videoconferencing.

Article 20 CAEG is the only and long-standing presidential member of the SRILT. CAPP Theaters is the only and long-standing secretary general member of the SRILT.

Article 21 The functions of the presidential member are:

(1) to summon and chair the Council sessions;

(2) to examine the implementation of resolutions of the Assembly and the Council;

(3) to lead the Secretariat of the SRILT (hereinafter referred to as the Secretariat);

(4) to sign important documents in the name of the SRILT; and

(5) to handle affairs with authorization of the Council.

Article 22 The Secretariat is a permanent body of the SRILT. The functions of the secretary general member are:

(1) to direct working bodies of the SRILT in daily work, and to direct the implementation of the annual work plan of the SRILT;

(2) to coordinate bodies of the SRILT with the SRILT members in daily work;

(3) to handle affairs with authorization of the Council.

Chapter V Funds Management


Article 23 The funds of the SRILT consist of:

           (1) donations;

           (2) the patronage of the SRILT members; and

           (3) other legal incomes.

Article 24 The funds of the SRILT are managed by the secretary general member with authorization of the Council. The funds shall be used for businesses within the scope provided in this Charter and shall not be allocated to the SRILT members.

Article 25 The secretary general member engages an accountant and a cashier. The bookkeeping, reimbursement, cash management, etc. shall vigorously conform to related rules on financial management.

Chapter VI Procedure for Amendment to the Charter


Article 26 Any amendment to the Charter of the SRILT shall be deliberated on at the Assembly after the amendment is voted on and passed by the Council.

Article 27 Any amendment to the Charter of the SRILT takes effect only after the presidential member approves, signs, and promulgates the amendment.


Chapter VII Procedure for Termination


Article 28 If the SRILT accomplishes its purposes or intends to voluntarily dissolve, the Council shall propose a motion for the termination of the SRILT.

Article 29 The motion for the termination of the SRILT takes effect only after the motion is voted on and passed by the Assembly and approved by the presidential member.

Chapter VIII Annex


Article 30 This Charter is passed and promulgated on XXXX, 2015.

Article 31 The power of interpretation of this Charter is vested in the Council.

Article 32 This Charter takes effect on the day when the presidential member approves this Charter.